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Sunday, August 13, 2017

August is Check the Chip month!

by Central Cat Hospital

This month, we would like to shift the focus to microchips in feline patients and their importance.

What is a microchip?

A microchip is a small radio frequency device containing a unique identification number assigned to your cat.  It is about the size of a grain of rice and is encased in bio glass.  The microchip is placed under the skin in the shoulder area by injection from a veterinary professional and serves as permanent identification for the life of the animal. It is not a GPS or tracking device.

 How does it work?

When a microchip scanner is passed over the animal’s back, it activates the chip which sends a signal back to the scanner and displays the animal’s unique ID number. This number is added to a microchip registry at the time of the implant. In the case that a pet is lost, the microchip number is called into the registry and the pet parents can be contacted. Shelters and veterinary clinics are equipped with microchip scanners and one of the first things they do when an animal is found is check for a chip.
In order for microchips to be effective, it’s important for owners to keep their contact information up to date in the microchip registry by notifying them of any changes.

Is it right for my cat? 

We recommend microchips for outdoor and especially indoor cats. If they escape, indoor cats are at higher risk of getting lost than outdoor cats who are usually familiar with the neighbourhood. Definitely a good idea for cats that do not tolerate collars and ID tags.

Is it painful?

Central Cat Hospital now offers the MiniChip, smaller for more comfortable placement and ISO standardized which means it’s recognized internationally! Microchips can be implanted during a routine veterinary visit, and are no more painful than an injection.

We hope this post has helped answer some of your questions! Please feel free to call the clinic with any inquiries about this product: 519-660-0300


596 Adelaide Street North,
London, Ontario N6B 3J8
Fax: 519.660.0002

Telephone: 519-660-0300

Monday-Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Sunday: Closed

After Hours Emergencies:

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